Online Support Program for Stroke Families
Recruitment is underway for an NIH-funded clinical trial investigation of an online psycho-educational support program for women who are caring for a husband or male significant other following stroke. This project is housed at Kent State University in Ohio and fully approved by the University’s Institutional Review Board.
Although the intervention program is directed to female caregivers, it is intended to produce positive outcomes for stroke survivors and caregivers alike. Benefits to participants include the receipt of health information and education that will help to facilitate stroke survivor’s physical and emotional recovery and to reduce caregiver’s feelings of strain or burden. The program is especially targeted to caregivers and stroke survivors who are experiencing depressive or anxiety symptoms.
All couples who participate will receive cash incentives up to $140. Couples must have their own computer and Internet service provider if they reside outside of Ohio.
Please call toll free (1-866-300-6657) if you would like any further information about this NIH – funded intervention study. Also, please encourage any clients or patients that you believe could benefit from taking part to call this number for details.