I am proud to present this special edition of the Midwest Affiliate Update, which recognizes the award-winning efforts of four very dedicated Midwest volunteers!
In this Update…David Cooke, MD, receives national Gold Heart Award
Pam Knous is honored with national Award of Meritorious Achievement
Pierre Fayad, MD, is named the national Physician of the Year
Janet Maxson, MD, achieves the national Healthcare Volunteer of the Year Award
David Cooke, MD, receives national Gold Heart AwardI am thrilled to announce that the recipient of the national Gold Heart Award is David Cooke, MD, president of our affiliate board and vice president of quality and safety at Central DuPage Hospital in suburban Chicago. The Gold Heart Award is the American Heart Association's highest award—and this is the second consecutive year that it has gone to a Midwest Affiliate volunteer! Dr. Cooke’s volunteer career with the American Heart Association spans nearly 25 years, during which time he has led the Midwest through three mergers; the adoption and implementation of our national strategic plan and impact goal; and countless local challenges and opportunities. David’s eloquence and style of leadership is evident by his involvement at many levels of the organization, which includes serving as a primary media spokesperson in Chicago; helping to develop a CVD Task Force for the state of Illinois, and helping to establish the Mission: Lifeline “brand” in what may well be the most challenging market in the country for Mission: Lifeline. We proudly congratulate Dr. Cooke for achieving this award, and sincerely thank him for all he has done, and continues to do, to advance our mission! Congratulations, David!
Pam Knous is honored with the Award for Meritorious AchievementI am delighted to congratulate Pam Knous, CFO of SuperValu, who is being recognized for her outstanding leadership of the Go Red For Women movement. Last year, Pam served as the chairperson for the Go Red for Women Luncheon in the Twin Cities, which raised more than $1.3 million -- the first Go Red for Women event that exceeded the $1 million threshold! I was fortunate to attend the Twin Cities Go Red for Women event last February and it was truly a benchmark event. In addition to the her work at the local level, Pam worked to build a national three-year, $3 million partnership between SuperValu and the American Heart Association! Pam continues to make an incredible impact in the American Heart Association’s efforts to improve the heart-health of women in the Twin Cities and throughout America! Congratulations, Pam!
Pierre Fayad, MD, is named National Physician of the Year
Pierre Fayad, MD, professor and chairman of the department of neurological services at the University of Nebraska, has been named the National Physician of the Year for his outstanding contributions to furthering the Association’s mission as a practicing physician with direct patient care responsibilities. While the majority of his days are dedicated to working with patients, Pierre understands the bigger picture involved with positively impacting change and advancing stroke care in communities nationwide. He has served on numerous national committees, including the peer committee for Brain/Stroke grant review, and volunteers on the American Heart Association National Center Board of Directors, the Scientific Advisory and Coordinating Committee, the International Committee, and the Stroke Council Leadership Team of the American Stroke Association, to name a few. To support Dr. Fayad’s nomination for this award, there was an outpouring of support from many of Dr. Fayad’s patients. His tireless efforts as a volunteer and a physician are not just inspiring—they are lifesaving. Congratulations and many thanks, Pierre!
Janet Maxson, PhD, achieves the National Healthcare Volunteer of the Year AwardJanet Maxson, PhD, a nurse practitioner with Minot Health and Wellness in North Dakota, will receive the National Healthcare Volunteer of the Year Award for her accomplishments as a volunteer leader and for the active role she has played in improving health care delivery and setting high standards for the care of patients and their families. Janet has been a passionate volunteer for the American Heart Association since 1975. Her involvement has encompassed every aspect of the American Heart Association from the local to national level, including fundraising, advocacy, health professional education and communications. Janet has given generously of her time over the years, from financially supporting the Heart Walk, to providing AHA education to the public and other professionals, to serving as a key contact and grassroots advocacy volunteer. Janet continues to be an advocate for women’s health and a wonderful leader and speaker for our Go Red for Women movement. Many thanks to Janet for her tremendous, longstanding commitment to our mission!
Each of these award recipients will be honored at the National Volunteer Leadership Conference in April in Washington, D.C. This will be a very special celebration, recognizing all national award recipients.
My heartfelt gratitude belongs to these, and all of our passionate Midwest Affiliate volunteers. I am so pleased and proud to see these four individuals receive this well-deserved national recognition for their outstanding commitment to building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke! Congratulations!!
Warm regards,
Kevin Harker
Executive Vice President
Midwest Affiliate