The power is in your hands to prevent and overcome stroke, and the American Stroke Association will provide the information and tools to support you every step of the way.
Power To End Stroke is an education and awareness campaign that embraces and celebrates the culture, energy, creativity and lifestyles of Americans. The Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Partnership is a National Sponsor of Power To End Stroke movement.
Join the Power To End Stroke movement. Registration is FREE, and you will receive a monthly e-Newsletter to help keep you in the know about stroke and its risk factors.
Take the first step towards reducing your risk for stroke by signing up now!
Sign up today and get your 2009 Soul Food Cookbook! Just include your mailing address and e-mail when you sign up through Fil Guipoco, Cultural Health Initiatives Director at the American Heart Association at fil.guipoco@heart.org . Please put "Power to End Stroke - Blog" in the subject line.
For more information, please visit: http://www.powertoendstroke.org/.
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