Throughout the year, our blog will feature AHA volunteer stories of survival and hope. We know there are thousands of stories like these - thats why we want to say “Thanks” to all of you for giving your time and sharing your lives with us. You can’t spell CURE without U! Thank you for all you do to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke. YOU’RE THE CURE!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Health Organizations Urge IL General Assembly to Raise Tobacco Tax

As the General Assembly returns to work on the budget crisis this week, it is more important than ever that we help educate them about the benefits of an increased cigarette tax in Illinois. Not only does it help raise hundreds of millions of dollars to address the fiscal crisis, but it's also a policy initiative that carries important public health benefits.

The American Heart Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, American Lung Association, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, and the Respiratory Health Association of Metropolitan Chicago are among the health organizations asking the General Assembly to support this life-saving measure.

For every 10% increase in the cost of cigarettes, we can reduce youth smoking by 6.5%. Not only will it help reduce smoking rates, but it also will lead to significant reductions in long term health care costs. By convincing our legislators to include the cigarette tax in the solution to the budget crisis, we can help save Illinois lives from the harmful effects of tobacco.
Do YOUR Part and Take Action TODAY:

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