We know there are thousands of stories like these - thats why we want to say “Thanks” to all of you for “Giving” your time and sharing your lives with us.
You can’t spell CURE without "U"!
Thank you for all you do to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
Read Kate Steigerwald's story below:
I have one daughter, Julie, who lives in Long Beach, California, and four step-children with seven grandchildren all living in Bloomington, Illinois. I have been married to my husband and caregiver, Clarke, since 1985, and we are both very active in stroke support groups such as the statewide organization, Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other (SSEEO), and the Lincolnland Stroke Support Network serving central Illinois.
After my stroke in October of 2004, I have learned how to paint with both acrylics and pastels and how to knit with one hand. Now I feel that I have it all---the smart stuff and the art stuff!
As a former lobbyist I was naturally attracted to SSEEO and all of the important legislative work they are doing on behalf of the stroke community and in partnership with the American Heart Association. I joined You're the Cure, the American Heart Association's network of advocates, to make sure my story as a stroke survivor was heard.
As a former lobbyist I was naturally attracted to SSEEO and all of the important legislative work they are doing on behalf of the stroke community and in partnership with the American Heart Association. I joined You're the Cure, the American Heart Association's network of advocates, to make sure my story as a stroke survivor was heard.
As a You're the Cure member, I am committed to helping in any way that I can to promote and pass any legislation that will improve the awareness, treatment, and prevention of stroke related issues. I am now retired from the state and after five years on disability leave I am once again seeking to return to the professional working world as a contractual lobbyist serving medical and social policies.
You may be like me, a survivor of stroke or heart disease, trying to find something you can do to get your life back. I encourage you to get involved, join SSEEO at http://www.sseeo.org/ or You're the Cure at http://www.yourethecure.org/ and share your story!
-Kate Steigerwald
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