Thanks to the efforts of You’re the Cure activists, Members voted for meaningful reform with patient protections that will help Americans live healthier lives - and voted against the status quo of denials based on pre-existing medical conditions, caps placed on coverage, and unmanageable out-of-pocket costs for treatments and preventative services.
This action by the House sends significant, meaningful reform to the President for his signature.
But our job isn’t yet done; there’s a final step to overcome…
Starting today, we need to ensure the Senate follows the House of Representatives’ lead and finishes this year’s work on health care reform by promptly passing the Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act. This legislation will further strengthen and improve upon reform by making coverage more affordable.
Contact your U.S. Senators today with the message: Act NOW and Vote YES!
The Senate - which could vote as early as this week - must pass the agreed-upon improvements to the health care package in order to complete action on reform. For the improvements bill to pass, a majority of Senators will need to vote YES - and patient advocates, like you and me, must continue to express our support on behalf of the 81 million Americans living with heart disease and stroke, and the millions more at risk, until the job is done.
This is the closest that this country has come to adopting comprehensive health care reform.
Urge your Senators to do their part to finish the work on meaningful health care reform.
(After you take action, please share this blog post with your Facebook and Twitter friends!)

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